Saturday, May 9, 2009
To the Mothers!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Blind Onion
"It doesn't look very good," says Mavel when I show her the picture on the website, trying to sell it to her for dinner. Ah well, my friend, it doesn't need to look good because the onion is blind.
I'll give Mavel her point, this pizza is not a looker. The cheese looks too shiny and the "hand-rolled" crust doesn't do anything for me except remind me of a berry pie which is not what I crave when I open the pizza box. "Ah, but looks are deceiving," said the wise Blind Onion. This pie is scrumptious. Its dough raises it above other sighted pizzas. It might not matter what toppings you but on it because the highlight of this pizza is the generous topping of cheese and the dough, the thick-but-not-too-dense bagel dough.

I have a friend who used to sell art and she always told me that the way you know you found the right piece is if you can't stop thinking about it, if it pops into your mind at unexpected times. Two weeks after I met the Blind Onion for the first time, in a strip mall in the Couve, I could not keep him off my mind. I found the right piece. This is art for my mouth.
(I had, however, stopped thinking about the Blind Onion's window art: is that a blind dog eating a piece of the Blind Onion? I'm not sure, but according to The Blind Onion Story on their website, the Blind Onion was part of "America's first all sight-impaired" band back in the 1960s. Sadly, the band was ill-fated, according to the story, because it had an annoying habit of making the audience cry. Ha ha ha.)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Whoring with Ken (at Ken's Artisan)

Evan said "yes!" and pimped it with the best pizza of the evening, in my opinion: the

Another local pizza connoisseur, (Thank you, Ms Crowe) tipped us to get a side of the fresh red chilies which also added an extra bang to the plain margharita. My choice, the margharita + arugula, gave me a bit too much aragula.
Here's Gus, starting his pizza-loving life with Ken's sourdough.
I appreciated the olive oil more than the bread, which was a little too crusty for my taste. But the crust underneath the pizza was pretty perfect, I just didn't appreciate the actual crust part. As I gave Aaron the title of crust hater because his was piling up, Matt wondered if there was ever a pizza whose toppings went all the way to the edge. This is what I wished was going on here. I had given Aaron such a hard time about denying his crust, that I was embarrassed to see mine doing the same. Bummer.
Here's Gus, starting his pizza-loving life with Ken's sourdough.

The pizza's interior was delicious and delicate: great sauce with sporadically placed fresh mozzarella. The irregularity of the topping locations started another great pizza discussion. Is the topic location designed so that each bite has a different ratio of flavors? I'm not sure how I feel about this. I believe the best pizza is that which achieves the perfect sauce/dough/cheese/topping balance, but this gives you a different balance in each bite. So we must assess the whole pie experience, rather than one bite at a time. Bottom line here: mine had too much arugula. "Better too much than too little," said Matt. Maybe. But I couldn't stomach rejecting the lovely green along with my crust, so I ate it. It left my whole pizza experience imbalanced.
So, I started looking into my friends' pizzas -- Matt raved about his sorporsatta, the super-spicy-pepperoni-like meat pizza. Apizza whore confession: in 27.5 years of pizza loving I'd never tried a pepperoni pizza. So, if I am now, after all these years, willing to try the meat, why not start with a kind-of-like-but-not pepperoni pizza. Spicy! Some heat and a lot of flavor. One bite was enough for me, but it was tasty!

I looked around the table -- Aaron had one piece of his sausage and fennel left. I pondered it for a moment. (Keep in mind, I'm a life-long vegetarian; mom said I was born that way.) Lemme try it! Wow. Hands down the best pizza on the table (it one upped the black olive). The fennel was caramelized and he'd added the chilies before the pie got cooked. Delicious, and powerful. Maybe it would have been too much for the entire pie because it was really rich, but I have vegetarian taste. For meat lovers, it would be spectacular!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Home-topped, with dough by Pastaworks
Mom comes. I make pizza.
I love to make my own dough, but Pastaworks recently moved into the neighborhood and I'd heard they make a mean dough you can by raw & frozen. So on our way to a beach house for the weekend, we picked up two frozen balls of dough! While my mom and I quilted the afternoon away, we let the dough defrost in the window sill (yes, we were blessed with SUN at the Oregon coast!).
One pie got red sauce, the other got basil pesto. Mom always prefers the pesto. But the eight of us demolished the 2 pies. This was some damn good pizza. Evan and MaryAlecia brought arugula, which was the perfect frest topping on the hot pizza pie!
The crust: hip hip horay for the Pastaworks dough. It was way thicker than I'd ever make, but you could cut one ball in half for a thinner result. We used one ball per pizza. The dough was plush, with sufficient salt and oil. Tasty. It gets 5 stars from me for frozen dough!
The pans: the tomato pie got the pizza stone and the pesto got a cookie sheet.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Pizza Phlebotomist

That was just the beginning. It gets better. I don't know what we were talking about -- it didn't matter, because nothing would have distracted me from what she did with her pizza. She dunked the cheesy tip of the slice into her Diet Coke. I shrieked: "What are you doing?" Unfazed she says, "I've always done it." Okay. "So, where did you get this idea and how long have you been doing this?" "I got it from Jersey. 'been doing it since I was a kid." For real? "Is it a New Jersey thing?" "Yah," she said, "but at this point it's probably more of an Ashlee thing." Nuts.
We proceeded to talk. Whatever, moving on. Do what you want to taint this already boring pizza and greasify what once was a perfectly drinkable soda. Gross. But it gets even better.
When the cheesy part of her pizza was gone she put the crust down. I thought nothing of it. I didn't want to eat it either, too dry and flavorless. But then she stuck her straw into her soda and covered the end of it with her finger to extract some soda (the way we drank soda when were kids and our parents would say, "stop that!"). Then she INJECTED the soda it into the open end of the crust, with the skill and ease of a veteran phlebotomist. Gross. Oh my. She gleefully munched on the crust. Her face said "yum." I've known Ashlee way too long to have missed this.
Can't knock it till I try it, right? Shit, it was gross. The already bland dough was now soggy and the soda lost its fizz, the fizz that made the soda worth consuming in the first place. "So you do this with any soda?" "No, it has to be cola." "Not even root beer?" "Nope, I prefer the diet cola." Really? Wow.
So I tell this story to a group of friends eating pizza the next weekend and they're all floored. They'd never heard of this and they all know Ashlee well enough to be part intrigued, part shocked. Mavel was mortified. Then the group decided that maybe Ashlee was pulling my leg...y'know to make some excellent blog material. I am a gullible one. But there's no way -- she pulled it off way too naturally for the whole meal to be a spoof. One friend pointed out though: either way, if she was acting or she was for real, it makes a damn good story, virtually unbelievable. Way to go Ash! We love you!

So I tell this story to a group of friends eating pizza the next weekend and they're all floored. They'd never heard of this and they all know Ashlee well enough to be part intrigued, part shocked. Mavel was mortified. Then the group decided that maybe Ashlee was pulling my leg...y'know to make some excellent blog material. I am a gullible one. But there's no way -- she pulled it off way too naturally for the whole meal to be a spoof. One friend pointed out though: either way, if she was acting or she was for real, it makes a damn good story, virtually unbelievable. Way to go Ash! We love you!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Apizza Scholls, finally

Jenn says "it's in the water." Really? "Yah, both Portland and New York have good tap water, for the dough" She swears it's not just her theory, but I have yet to see anyone make a similar claim (which might not be saying anything). Well, at least, it's not one of the several things written on the back of Apizza Scholl's menu as a key factor to a good pie. They claim "the most important factors in making a great pizza are proper dought fermentation, oven management, and the freshest highest quality ingredients available." Rock on. They do get the alchemy right -- their pizza is excellent.
After the first bite of their 'Margo'rita (their take on the traditional Margherita), I exclaimed "sufficiently salted." I hadn't realized what an important factor salt is in the flavor of perfect pizza, but appearantly I'd had INsufficiently salted pizza to know this was right on. Jenn looked at me and said, "no, perfectly salted." We'd even ordered half our 'Margo'rita with anchovies, which surprisingly didn't make that side too salty. The preserved little fish were marvelous additions! We chewed slowly, taking it all in. My first piece was gone before I even thought about the crushed red pepper (the number of bites before I want the red pepper being my gauge for how well-flavored the pizza is)!

Jenn has her own take on the char flavor. Get this: she finds an essence of the perfectly toasted marshmallow in their crust. She's careful in her analogy, though; it's not sweet, but it's there, she says. I understood what she meant: perfectly toasted on the outside, light and fluffy inside. But it wasn't til my last slice that it jumped out at me. I chewed more slowly and closed my eyes. There it is! I got it; I felt it. I waived the sensation up into my nose and ate all my crust, delighted at this discovery.
I have to make one negative point (sorry, Jenn): Apizza Scholls needs to work on their atmosphere. Their pizza rivals the best of New York pizza and the creators adhere to the pizzaiolo standards of Italy, but I felt like I was in suburbia. Sterile tables and walls and generic chairs. Light colored wood and clutter on the bar. Bad lighting. Their "art" (pizza made of metal) was hung too high to be appreciated, though I hope the close-up entertains you. Jenn pointed out that if this place was in NY, there'd be 10 tables where there are two here.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
New Haven-Style Pizza

I was relieved when I got back to Portland and my friend said "I've never heard of New Haven-style Pizza." I'll blame it on my west-coast upbringing, but I'd never heard of it either...until I went to New Haven. God Bless the pizza lovers who have never been there, but now you have to go. My friends took me to Little Italy on Wooster Street, where the two famous pizzerias reside two blocks apart. They are Pepe's and Sally's. We picked Sally's because the line was shorter, albeit ten parties long out the door. (We froze a little while waiting, but we watched the Mayor walk in and out! Thank you, sir, for not experiencing the plight of the regular man.) We were glad at our choice, because on that Sunday night Pepe's down the street had run out of clams! As I learned, it's not quite New Haven pizza without the clams, bacon and white sauce.
Two other characteristics give New Haven pizza its style: it is oblong, so the slices are really long and thin, and it is burnt. Really actually very burnt. Check it out:

Apparently, the New Haven pizza gains some distinction in its presentation, too: the oval-shaped pie gets served on wax paper atop cafeteria trays or sheet pans, they take up the entire table and are served with paper plates. Strange for the tree-hugging westerner, but I won't judge.
This pizza was special. The cheese and clams were milder than I expected -- very easy to eat. The carbon fiber was laden with oil (I watched countless guests, even my friend Todd, absorb the floating oil with their paper napkins), but it enhanced the experience in a surprising way. It wasn't like burnt toast at all. I actually wanted to eat the burnt parts, though they were impossible to avoid. The burnt crust was super thin without tasting like a cracker, and even delightfully chewy in places.
With all the rave about Pepe's and Sally's, I preferred the pizza at "Bar." Todd took me there because they brew their own beer AND throw a reputable New Haven pizza. The beer was terrible (beer flavored soda, actually) but the pizza was extraordinarily flavorful and perfectly balanced.

From their extensive list of toppings, we chose basil, onions, garlic, spinach and fresh tomatoes. We ordered two (one white, one red) and polished them off. The pies came with a rare touch, already topped with oregano, thyme and parmesan. Delicious. This was a pizza where I forgot to put crushed red peppers. It was that good.

NOTE: look at their menu closely. Which one of these things is not like the others? Guess for yourself and then I'll tell you the answer: Mashed Potatoes. Meatballs. Now but them together and you get a pile of food that I find hard to put on a pizza, but guaranteed these two toppings make a lot of people very happy.
ANOTHER NOTE: at the top you see the category "Base Pies." The first is "Red Pie." My guess is that's the classic, marinara sauce, so I'll order that. But no, you wouldn't be getting a pizza with cheese (is it really pizza without cheese?) unless you ordered the next base pie: the Red Pie w/Mozzarella. I have never been to a pizzeria where you have to affirmatively specify that, indeed, I would like cheese on my pizza.
p.s. If you click on the picture itslef, you can see the picture of the clam pizza up close and personal, like you were really there yourself, floating on top!
Monday, March 30, 2009
The real pizza whore?

I think this lady might be the real pizza whore. Check out the seduction. She's covering her bosom with a pizza missing a slice in the most opportune location! There might be a whole new fashion concept in her style: pizza as clothing. Strange but, you must a admit, a little exciting, no?
About Bella Faccia herself: her pizza was mediocre and unmemorable, nothing special. No zest in the sauce and no zing in the toppings. Me and the Bella Faccia had no chemistry. I might have set my expectations too high -- she was the one pizzeria on Alberta (besides Hot Lips, sorry, I'm loyal to the EcoTrust location), so I was hoping and praying she'd come through. On, 3 (of 21) reviews claimed she had "the best pizza in Portland." Wrong, plain wrong. One of the reviewers even hailed from NYC. Blasphemy! The reviewers must be part owners.
We ordered take-out with olives, onions, fresh tomatoes and basil but the flavor was just not there. The slices are huge and inviting, but there was no follow through to keep me wanting more. I know good flavor when I can take three bites without remembering to add crushed red pepper (which I love). My first bite wasn't even chewed before I was compelled to add my own zing. Bummer. But lady, thanks for trying! If she lived around the corner, I might say hi more often, but I'm sticking to my trusty favorite: Mississippi Pizza Pub (who I'm sure will have several up-coming appearances on Apizza Whore, so stay tuned).
Footnote: My friend and fellow pizza-lover joined me for this tasting, and his opinion was contrary to mine. He said it got a solid "good" rating. If you're tempted, go try for yourself!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
My first love
My first conscious memory of loving pizza was at Pizza Hut, the restaurant. Remember when they had sit-down tables and a salad bar? I remember the greasy crust and thick, gooey marbled cheese. Even at age 8, at the nation-wide chain restaurant that serves pizza that some food critics might not even acknowledge as food, I knew I met true love. If I don't eat it every day, I surely dream of it. I salivate even at the thought of the perfect dough/sauce/topping combination, of which there are thousands.
Last week I professed to my best friend's husband to be a "pizza whore." What I meant was I LOVE PIZZA. I could eat it all the time. I am always in the mood for it. So why did I use the word "whore?" Would I sell my body for a slice? Is there something raunchy about my obsession? It is true that my adoration for pizza is less principled than my taste and criticism for other food, so I feel less than prude when I crave the grease. Still, I've been somewhat conflicted about labeling myself a whore of any kind. Does it work to say that I have multiple pizza partners? Maybe. But then's word history saved my self-proclaimed title. The Germanic root of the word is "horaz," which means "one who desires," and the Sanskrit derivative "kamah" means "love." Ladies and gentleman, this is the kind of pizza whore I am! I love and desire Pizza!
I hope you'll join me here, in blogger land, on my pizza whoring adventures!
Last week I professed to my best friend's husband to be a "pizza whore." What I meant was I LOVE PIZZA. I could eat it all the time. I am always in the mood for it. So why did I use the word "whore?" Would I sell my body for a slice? Is there something raunchy about my obsession? It is true that my adoration for pizza is less principled than my taste and criticism for other food, so I feel less than prude when I crave the grease. Still, I've been somewhat conflicted about labeling myself a whore of any kind. Does it work to say that I have multiple pizza partners? Maybe. But then's word history saved my self-proclaimed title. The Germanic root of the word is "horaz," which means "one who desires," and the Sanskrit derivative "kamah" means "love." Ladies and gentleman, this is the kind of pizza whore I am! I love and desire Pizza!
I hope you'll join me here, in blogger land, on my pizza whoring adventures!
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